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Créateur de solutions digitales sur-mesure
The future is here
Lapka BAM is a beautifully designed accessory for your phone that estimates blood alcohol content from a breath sample.
Allows you to track your measurements over time, compare them with friends and shape the party.
The device fits in your palm, and when you hold it in a fist, the edge of your hand becomes the mouthpiece. The device is wireless — no synchronization is required. It calibrates automatically and professionally via Lapka servers using your device ID.
Key features
- Lapka Breath Alcohol Monitor exchanges data wirelessly. Your breath activates the app and measuring process. It calibrates automatically via Lapka servers.
- Lapka Breath Alcohol Monitor utilizes the most sensible mouthpiece ever — your hand. There’s never a need to replace the mouthpiece or worry about sanitation (as long as your hands are fairly clean).
- Lapka Breath Alcohol Monitor is designed to fit in your palm. When you make a fist around the device, the edge of your hand allows for perfect air pressure and flow.